SID Project
SID, is a charity that promotes social inclusion for people with Dyslexia, based in Sunderand. People with dyslexia face social exclusion in their lives every day, in work, in education, in training, in the home. Barriers that exclude them, causing stress and shame and ultimately prevent them from taking opportunities to work and learn. However with the right support people can achieve and reach their potential.
As part of its activities SID has trained 500 professionals and organisations in how to understand and help people that are affected. SID also runs specialist Assistive Technology workshops, showing people how to job search, live and work independently with free assistive technology. The technology removes barriers such as reading from screen using text to speech and reads the information to the user. Reading and writing are a massive part of our ever day lives and if this is a barrier for you it can have a direct impact on your life’s choices and opportunities. Project coordinator Joanne Youngson and dedicated volunteers run regular workshops and programs across Sunderland.
Dyslexia can be overcome, however it affects 1 in 25 people (British Dyslexia Association) and is over represented in certain groups such as the long term unemployed and homeless and prison populations. Dyslexia is no reflection on ability and with the right support, people can achieve great things. 30% of Entrepreneurs are Dyslexic, with such people as Richard Branson among their number.
Comments on the Launch
Joanne – “ having google chrome on all public access computers is wonderful news” Sunderland council and library services listened to our reasons for the change and has fully suppored us in making this happen. Our project empowers people who experience barriers such as reading and writing and teaches them to use this technology such as speech to text and text to speech. Although this technology can be expensive it can be accessed free on Google chrome. Now that Google chrome is accessible, so is the technology so people whose lives are impeded by these barriers can access it and use it to better their lives .
SID are always looking for volunteers and help, we also welcome referrals from organisations that have Dyslexic participants that need our support. If you would like to refer someone please visit our website at or call 07971166190